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BONE AWL / An Obelisk Marks the Line

BONE AWL / An Obelisk Marks the Line[]
  • [名称] BONE AWL / An Obelisk Marks the Line
  • [品番] 68323
  • [分類] BLACK METAL
  • [価格] \1,900(税込)
US Black Metal Punk重鎮、BONE AWLの2020年セカンドアルバム。LP先行でしたが、2021年CDも無事リリース。

1 Chaos Underneath
2 In All Directions at Once
3 Fraternal
4 Bow & Arrow
5 Lunar Locks
6 Bluestone (Branded into Skin)
7 Ice Runner
8 When the Lower Forms Swarm In
9 Without an Opposite
10 Again & Again
11 Osmazome
12 Middle God
13 Sky Voices


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