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PSYCHOSOMATIC SELF MUTILATION / The Apex Of Selective Extinguishment

PSYCHOSOMATIC SELF MUTILATION / The Apex Of Selective Extinguishment[]
  • [名称] PSYCHOSOMATIC SELF MUTILATION / The Apex Of Selective Extinguishment
  • [品番] 52307
  • [分類] HEAVY METAL
  • [価格] \1,580(税込)
KRAANIUMのヴォーカリスト、Martin Funderud(先日お亡くなりになりました)と、Cory Bouillonなる人物がマイクを握るブルタルデスメタルバンド。
ギターはKRAANIUMのMats Funderud。阿鼻叫喚な世界観が広がるスラム大回転なグロク血生臭い一枚!Great。全6曲

1. Decrepit Inception  
2. Monoliths of Human Eradication  
3. Transmutation Through Forced Impregnation  
4. Psychosomatic Self-Mutilation  
5. The Apex of Selective Extinguishment  
6. Experimental Torturous Purification


☆ お勧め商品-お客様にはこちらの商品もどうぞ! ☆
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