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BEHERIT / Beast of Beherit Complete Worxxx

BEHERIT / Beast of Beherit Complete Worxxx[]
  • [名称] BEHERIT / Beast of Beherit Complete Worxxx
  • [品番] 64496
  • [分類] BLACK METAL
  • [価格] \1,880(税込)

1. Beast of Damnation
2. Hail Sathanas
3. Fallen Souls
4. Six Days with Lord Diabolus
5. Nocturnal Evil
6. Solomon's Gate
7. Dead Inside
8. Beyond Vision
9. Paradise, of thy Demonic Host
10. War ,nd
11. E-Scape
12. Grave Desecration
13. Witchcraft
14. Ghost of Death
15. Black Arts
16. Werewolf, Semen and Blood

Tracks 1, 2 from Dawn Of Satan's Millenium EP 1990
Tracks 3, 4 from "Down There..." MC 1991
Tracks 5, 6 from Drawing Down The Moon CD 1992
Tracks 7, 8 from Electric Doom Synthesis CD 1995
Tracks 9, 10 from studio session 1990
Track 10 is a Blasphemy cover
Track 11 from H418ov21.C CD 1994
Tracks 12, 13 from Demonomancy MC 1990
Track 14 from Seventh Blasphemy MC 1990
Tracks 15, 16 recorded live in Riihimäki 21st of August 1992


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