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DYING FETUS / Grotesque Impalement (2011 reissue)

DYING FETUS / Grotesque Impalement (2011 reissue)[]
  • [名称] DYING FETUS / Grotesque Impalement (2011 reissue)
  • [品番] 72882
  • [分類] DEATH METAL
  • [価格] \2,280(税込)
US DEATH METAL DYING FETUSの2000年にリリースされたEP。BAPHOMETやNEXT STEP UPのカヴァーを含む1999年レコーディングの6曲に、未発表曲、ライヴ、新曲のボーナストラック3曲を追加してのRelapseからの2011年リイシュー!

1. Grotesque Impalement
2. Streaks of Blood (BAPHOMET cover)
3. Bringing Back the Glory (NEXT STEP UP cover)
4. Tearing Inside the Womb
5. Final Scream (Prelude to Evil: Davey's Nightmare)
6. Hail Mighty North / Forest Trolls of Satan (Anno Clitoris 666 Opus II) l

-bonus tracks-
7. Reduced to Slavery (Unreleased Track, 2000 )
8. Purged of My Worldly Being (Live, 1999)
9. Dumpster Love (New Recording, 2010)


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