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MYLINGAR / Doda sjalar

MYLINGAR / Doda sjalar[]
Sweden Death/Black Metal、謎の存在感を醸し出す MYLINGARの2021年セカンドアルバム。背徳的なスピリチュアルなところを全面に押し出しつつも、デスメタル的なジャンクさも兼ね備えた一筋縄ではいかないサウンドが売り。PORTALなどのファンの方にアピールできるかも。

1.) Obalansen
2.) Nedstigningen
3.) Offret
4.) Bländningen
5.) Mållösheten
6.) Giftet
7.) Förlusten


☆ お勧め商品-お客様にはこちらの商品もどうぞ! ☆
ARCH ENEMY / As the Stages Burn (CD+DVD/digi)
ARCH ENEMY / As the Stages Burn (CD+DVD/digi)
NECROBIOSIS / My Soul+ 3(1994) (2021 reissue)
NECROBIOSIS / My Soul+ 3(1994) (2021 reissue)
SIL KHANNAZ / March To Madness (LIVE)
SIL KHANNAZ / March To Madness (LIVE)
ACHERON / Rites of the Black Mass (2018 reissue)
ACHERON / Rites of the Black Mass (2018 reissue)
MONSTROSITY / Imperial Doom (collectors CD)
MONSTROSITY / Imperial Doom (collectors CD)
DISSONANCE / Look to Forget + The Intricacies of Nothingness
DISSONANCE / Look to Forget + The Intricacies of Nothingness
CORPORAL RAID / Manipulating the Host
CORPORAL RAID / Manipulating the Host
PERSECUTORY / Perversion Feeds Our Force
PERSECUTORY / Perversion Feeds Our Force