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REVELATION / Spiritual Wind (CD+DVD Deluxe Edition)

REVELATION / Spiritual Wind (CD+DVD Deluxe Edition)[]
  • [名称] REVELATION / Spiritual Wind (CD+DVD Deluxe Edition)
  • [品番] 69123
  • [分類] HEAVY METAL
  • [価格] \2,380(税込)
フロリダのHeavy Metal、REVELATIONの1987年と1988年の二本のデモを合わせたコンピレーションアルバム。

1. Running Scared
2. Johnny
3. Spiritual Wind
4. Young Warrior
5. Children Of The City Nights
6. Fortress
7. Stop The Rain
8. Hunting The Devil
9. Good Cause
10. Visions (1987 Demo) [Bonus Track]
11. You're Not The Only One (1987 Demo) [Bonus Track]
12. Good Cause (1987 Demo) [Bonus Track]

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