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AOR / L.A Darkness +2

AOR / L.A Darkness +2[]
  • [名称] AOR / L.A Darkness +2
  • [品番] 47756
  • [分類] HARD ROCK
  • [価格] \1,780(税込)
Frédéric Slama氏によるAOR一大プロジェクト、2016年15作目。Tommy DenanderとPaul Sabuのプロデュースにより、完璧なるAORサウンドが生み出され、安定のクオリティです!

Jeff Scott Soto (Yngwie Malmsteem, Talisman, W.E.T)
Kevin Chalfant (The Storm, 707, Two Fires, Journey, Shooting Star, The V.U)
Steve Overland (FM, The Ladder)
Jesse Damon (Silent Rage, Kiss)
Henry Small (Prism)
Paul Sabu (Only Child, Kidd Glove, John Waite)
Philip Bardowell (Unruly Child, Places Of Power, N.O.W)
Rick Riso
Tommy Funderburk (King Of Hearts, Airplay, Whitesnake, Starship)
Sarah & Mélissa (Chasing Violets)


☆ お勧め商品-お客様にはこちらの商品もどうぞ! ☆
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