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NOTURNALL / Cosmic Live Tour (3CD+DVD)

NOTURNALL / Cosmic Live Tour (3CD+DVD)[]
  • [名称] NOTURNALL / Cosmic Live Tour (3CD+DVD)
  • [品番] 79389
  • [価格] \4,200(税込)
先日、国内盤デビューも果たしたブラジルのメロディックパワーメタル NOTURNALLのライブ映像+音源セットが登場!ブラジルの三か所でのライブを収めたそれぞれCD音源、それらを収めたライブ映像収録のDVDのセットとあってフルボリューム、余すところなくNOTRUNALLのライブが楽しめます。マイク・ポートノイやジェイムス・ラブリエ、エドゥ・ファラスキなどのゲスト陣も豪華です! (DVDはPALの可能性あり)

Disc 1 (CD) - Live in Curitiba
1. Cosmic Redemption
2. No Turn at All
3. Fake Healers
4. Sugar Pill
5. Reset the Game
6. Hey! (Feat. James LaBrie)
7. Fight the System
8. Scream! For!! Me!!!
9. Shadows (Walking Through)
10. Wake Up!
11. O tempo não para
12. Nocturnal Human Side

Disc 2 (CD) - Live in São Paulo
1. Nocturnal Human Side
2. Wake Up!
3. No Turn at All
4. Fight the System
5. Shadows
6. Cosmic Redemption
7. Carry On (Feat. Edu Falaschi, Luis Mariutti, Alirio Netto & Fabrizio di Sarno)
8. Scream! For!! Me!!! (Feat. Mike Portnoy)

Disc 3 (CD) - Live in Nova Friburgo / Made in Russia
1. Nocturnal Human Side
2. Wake Up!
3. No Turn at All
4. Fight the System
5. Shadows
6. Cosmic Redemption
7. Scream! For!! Me!!! (Feat. Mike Portnoy)
8. No Turn at All
9. Scream! For!! Me!!!
10. Fight the System
11. Wake Up!
12. Cosmic Redemption
13. Nocturnal Human Side

Disc 4 (DVD) - Made in Russia / Live in Curitiba / Live in São Paulo / Live in Nova Friburgo
1. Cosmic Redemption
2. No Turn at All
3. Fake Healers
4. Sugar Pill
5. Reset the Game
6. Hey! (Feat. James LaBrie)
7. Fight the System
8. Scream! For!! Me!!!
9. Shadows (Walking Through)
10. Wake Up!
11. O tempo não para
12. Nocturnal Human Side
13. Nocturnal Human Side
14. Wake Up!
15. No Turn at All
16. Fight the System
17. Shadows
18. Cosmic Redemption
19. Carry On (Feat. Edu Falaschi, Luis Mariutti, Alirio Netto & Fabrizio di Sarno)
20. Scream! For!! Me!!! (Feat. Mike Portnoy)
21. Nocturnal Human Side
22. Wake Up!
23. No Turn at All
24. Fight the System
25. Shadows
26. Cosmic Redemption
27. Scream! For!! Me!!! (Feat. Mike Portnoy)
28. No Turn at All
29. Scream! For!! Me!!!
30. Fight the System
31. Wake Up!
32. Cosmic Redemption
33. Nocturnal Human Side
34. Shallow Grave
35. Reset the Game
36. Try Harder
37. Hey!
38. Sugar Pill
39. Scream! For!! Me!!! (Feat. Mike Portnoy)
40. O tempo não para (Feat. Ney Matogrosso)


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