今は亡き、中国のDying Artからリリースされた、チャイナBlack Metal3組によるSplit作品。どれも貴重な音源です。
輸入盤中古 1. Ululate - Bunker 2. Ululate - End 3. Ululate - Pain and Reel 4. Ululate - Immaculate Massacre 5. Heartless - As the Plague Came 6. Heartless - Funeral of the Soul 7. Heartless - In the Depth of Despair 8. Heartless - Silent Tears 9. Martyrdom - Supremeness over the Powerless World 10. Martyrdom - Unpreventable 11. Martyrdom - Revel on the Demon Altar 12. Martyrdom - Nordic Glory - A Song for Quorthon