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APOLOGIST / Blasphemy

APOLOGIST / Blasphemy[]
Tokyoで黒い息を吐くSATANIC BLACK METAL.2013年のファーストアルバム。威圧的なビートと背徳感ばっちりな歌詞が叫ばれるRAW BARBARIC BLACK METALサウンドは唯一無比!

☆ お勧め商品-お客様にはこちらの商品もどうぞ! ☆
ARCHGOAT / Worship the Eternal Darkness (digi)
ARCHGOAT / Worship the Eternal Darkness (digi)
ARREBOL / Simplicity of the Moment (digi)
ARREBOL / Simplicity of the Moment (digi)
RITUS / Von nachtlichen Gedanken
RITUS / Von nachtlichen Gedanken
BEHEMOTH / Thelema 6
BEHEMOTH / Thelema 6
FORDARV / Between the Eternities
FORDARV / Between the Eternities
PENITENCE / Nature Morte (digi)
PENITENCE / Nature Morte (digi)
SARGEIST / Let the Devil In
SARGEIST / Let the Devil In
ALDAARON / Supreme Silence
ALDAARON / Supreme Silence