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ANATOMY / Organize the Organs

ANATOMY / Organize the Organs[]
現役女医=ババロア率いる、唯一無二の医療系ヘヴィ・メタル・バンド、国内メタル界に新たな旋風を巻き起こす1stミニアルバム! 全7曲!


☆ お勧め商品-お客様にはこちらの商品もどうぞ! ☆
CRYSTAL PRIDE / Crystal Pride (collectors CD)
CRYSTAL PRIDE / Crystal Pride (collectors CD)
GRAVE DIGGER / Fields of Blood (LP)
GRAVE DIGGER / Fields of Blood (LP)
ROYAL AIR FORCE / Leading the Riot
ROYAL AIR FORCE / Leading the Riot
THUNDERSLAVE / Unchain the Night  (NEW !!!)
THUNDERSLAVE / Unchain the Night (NEW !!!)
GOTHAM CITY / The Legend of Gotham City
GOTHAM CITY / The Legend of Gotham City
WITCH / Still Alive? (2CD/slip) 北欧メタルカルト!デモ集!
WITCH / Still Alive? (2CD/slip) 北欧メタルカルト!デモ集!
STEEL SEAL / The Lion's Den (digi) 強力新作!
STEEL SEAL / The Lion's Den (digi) 強力新作!
IRON SPELL / Live Magic After Midnight (slip)
IRON SPELL / Live Magic After Midnight (slip)