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MYSTICUM / Lost Masters of the Universe (slip)

MYSTICUM / Lost Masters of the Universe (slip)[]
  • [名称] MYSTICUM / Lost Masters of the Universe (slip)
  • [品番] 46264
  • [分類] BLACK METAL
  • [価格] \1,680(税込)
ノルウェー Black Metal重要バンド。MYSTICUMの初期音源をコンパイルした音源集。前身バンド SABAZIOSのデモテープも収録!2013年のPeaceville盤で、2004年版より曲が多い。

1. Intro (「Wintermass」demo 1993 as SABAZIOS) 
2. The Rest (「Wintermass」demo 1993 as SABAZIOS)  
3. Wintermass (「Wintermass」demo 1993 as SABAZIOS)  
4. Mourning (「Wintermass」demo 1993 as SABAZIOS)  
5. Father Beyond (「Wintermass」demo 1993 as SABAZIOS)  
6. Forces of Darkness (「Wintermass」demo 1993 as SABAZIOS)  
7. Outro  (「Wintermass」demo 1993 as SABAZIOS) 
8. Demons Never Sleep (「Medusa's Tears」demo 1993) 
9. Crypt of Fear (「Medusa's Tears」demo 1993) 
10. The Shattered Soul (「Medusa's Tears」demo 1993) 
11. The Grave of Petrified Souls (「Medusa's Tears」demo 1993) 
12. Mourning (MYSTICUM/ULVER split 7"" 1994)
13. The Rest (「Piss Off!!!」demo 1995)
14. Where the Raven Flies (「Piss Off!!!」demo 1995)
15. Wintermass (「Piss Off!!!」demo 1995)
16. Kingdom Comes (「Piss Off!!!」demo 1995)
17. In Your Grave (「Piss Off!!!」demo 1995)

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