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MIND PATROL / Milking The Masses (スイスThrash、2nd!)

MIND PATROL / Milking The Masses (スイスThrash、2nd!)[]
  • [名称] MIND PATROL / Milking The Masses (スイスThrash、2nd!)
  • [品番] 70735
  • [価格] \2,280(税込)
スイスのThrash Metalバンドの約4年振りの2022年作2ndアルバム。シンガロングを誘いながらベイエリア風味と捻りを加えて進んでいくスラッシュ・メタル!

1. Introduction to Milk Production
2. Liars to Impale
3. Legality Parts from Morality
4. S.O.S
5. Surveillance: Approved!
6. Show Me Violence
7. Hell on Earth
8. Stones and Spears
9. Whoreship Materialism
10. Systematic Suppression
11. Redeem, Regret, Repeat
12. Habits over Ethics
13. Happy Fun Time Song


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