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BUTCHER ABC / Road to Hell 7”

BUTCHER ABC / Road to Hell 7”[]
BUTCHER ABCの2013年6月7日 Earthdomでのライブ4曲を収めた7"。2014年リリースの黒盤(デッドストック)

1. Dismembered Mama
2. Darkness in the Dark

1. ABC Butcheres Co.Ltd
2. Butchered at Birth Day

☆ お勧め商品-お客様にはこちらの商品もどうぞ! ☆
FASTKILL / Infernal Thrashing Holocaust
FASTKILL / Infernal Thrashing Holocaust
Barglar/casette tape report
Barglar/casette tape report
CHAOS CONTROL / The Legacy Within
CHAOS CONTROL / The Legacy Within
DEFILED / Divination
DEFILED / Divination
RxUxDxJ / Re born/-Complex-
RxUxDxJ / Re born/-Complex-
SUICIDAL IDEATION / Devotion to Nihilism (digi/100 limited)
SUICIDAL IDEATION / Devotion to Nihilism (digi/100 limited)
NO POINT IN LIVING / Past Memories (digi)
NO POINT IN LIVING / Past Memories (digi)
TRAUMATOMY / Beneficial Amputation of Excessive Limbs
TRAUMATOMY / Beneficial Amputation of Excessive Limbs